14 Solar Plexus Boundary Affirmations


Let’s talk about the energy in our solar plexus and some of the blocks we might have there.,

 Our solar plexus is home to the energy of our strength, leadership, and self-esteem.

Boundaries are part of our solar plexus chakra. 

Boundary work isn’t limited to our solar plexus chakra, but setting boundaries and committing to enforcing them happens in our solar plexus.

 We have to find the courage to stand up for ourselves to set healthy boundaries. We have to have good self-esteem to know we deserve these healthy boundaries. 

And that is all energy from our solar plexus.


Setting healthy boundaries can feel selfish when we are new to it. 

We want to say no, but people “need” us, like our parents, kids, spouses, friends, lovers, bosses, coworkers, neighbors, etc., so we say yes

This is a boundary issue. If we say yes, even when we are exhausted, depleted, and want to say no, we have a weak boundary there.

People may want to tell us who we are supposed to be. 
How should we dress?
What phone should we have?
How should we spend our time?  

If we have a strong sense of self, we can give ourselves permission to know and honor our preferences instead of doing what everyone else says. 

Healthy boundaries allow us to know what is best for ourselves. 

People will test our boundaries, and we show them with our actions where our boundaries are set. 

If we engage every time they send a dramatic text, or let them drop by without calling first, or if we let them make jokes at our expense, we teach them that we accept that behavior within our boundaries.

The good news is it will be just as easy to show them our new, healthy boundaries.  They may challenge us over and over, but we get to decide what we accept. We get to decide what behaviors we prefer and will tolerate. 

And of course, we cannot control other people. All we can control is ourselves. Our power here lies in deciding for ourselves where to set these boundaries. 

Maybe we’ve never thought about it until now.
What is an acceptable request or attitude from the people in our lives?
We get to decide.

Setting these boundaries is healthy, and it is the best way to respect ourselves.

Sometimes these boundaries will mean detaching from toxic people or situations.  That can be hard. We have to know we deserve it. We deserve to be happy and respected.  We deserve to be safe emotionally, mentally, and physically. We have to find the courage to draw the line in the sand where WE want it. 

We don’t have to explain it to anyone but ourselves. And doing these affirmations will help.

 Solar Plexus Affirmations 

I set healthy boundaries in my life.

I expect people to respect my boundaries.

When my boundaries are tested, I steadfastly defend them.

I release any old boundaries that don’t serve me anymore.

I release other’s expectations of where my boundaries should be set.

I get to decide for myself where to set my healthy boundaries.

I can calmly endure any testing of my boundaries and consistently enforce them.

People don’t need to like or affirm the boundaries I set.

I teach people where my boundaries are by defending them.

I deserve to be happy, respected, and safe.

I deserve to have my needs met.

My body likes the energy of healthy boundaries.

I am responsible for myself.  Others are responsible for themselves.

I get to decide how I let others treat me.