15 powerful Throat Chakra Affirmations to Find Your Voice and Speak Your Truth


Throat chakra energy is about open and honest expression.

If we have closed or weak throat chakras, we may have had experiences in the past that lead us to believe we do not have ideas or opinions worth sharing. 

We believe no one wants to hear what we have to say.

We think we cannot speak our truth or stand up for ourselves if it might offend someone.

We are experts at blending into the background, maybe not even using our voice to ask questions.

We may struggle with small talk or might be experts at small talk but find it challenging to talk about anything serious

We may have grown up with role models who were “quiet”, and never learned that it is appropriate and healthy to express our needs, beliefs, and preferences.

We may have been punished for what we said.

We may have been gaslighted for something we said, and made to think no one would believe what we were saying.

We may have a difficult truth to express, that we feel might put us in danger, or cause us to be rejected by loved ones. 

Sometimes, even admitting our truths to ourselves can be frightening.

But we can
find our voices
speak our truths

We can begin to
heal our throat chakras
with the following affirmations.

I release the need to have others affirm my truth.  

I know and am secure in my truth

I confidently and clearly speak my truth

I use my words to surround myself and others with love.  

I release any fear and reclaim my truth.  

I release the past and reclaim my right to express my truth.  

My ideas and opinions are valuable and worth sharing

I have the strength and ability to express the truth within me.  

It is my divine right to stand in my truth.  

It feels good to stop pretending and live my truth.  

I can trust the words coming out of my mouth.  

It is safe to know and express my needs, beliefs, desires, and preferences.  

Expressing my truth allows others to feel safe enough to express their truth.  

I treat myself with kindness and love by speaking my truth.

I affirm my ideas, beliefs, and opinions for myself by owning, speaking, and living them.