Crystal Spot Light: Smoky Quartz Healing Properties


Energetic Description
What does the energy feel like?

Smoky quartz gives us profound calmness, and significantly turns down the volume on our fear.

It allows us to experience a clear-head, a sense of safety, and groundedness in the present moment. 

It completely protects our energy, both inside and out, and acts as a barrier to toxic energies and people.

It has a lighter, airier energy compared to other grounding stones, which makes it feel gentler while it causes fear to evaporate and reveal an undisturbed calmness and sense of safety.

It can work as a tether to reality and clear an anxious brain.

Who Needs This Stone

This stone works great for anyone with anxiety who wants a gentle feel to their grounding work. 

It is beneficial for anyone who is triggered by guilt and manipulation of others, or tends to feel anxious or overwhelmed in groups.

It is also good for over-thinkers, as it draws the nervous energy away and absorbs it. 

Smoky quartz can be preferred by people who are not drawn to the weight or intense energy of other grounding stones.


Key Words

Grounded. Safe. Present. Calm.

What it helps you release, or shake loose:

Nervousness and anxiety

Manic, obsessive, or constant Voice of Fear

Toxic etheral hooks

Our default crazy brain – it doesn’t even engage – we won’t even go there (we know our fear script, what spirals in our heads after we’ve been triggered. Smoky Quartz skips over the entire process, we don’t get triggered, we don’t spiral, we just stay calm, present, focused, safe)

The “shoulds” that instill doubt and shame

What it Helps you RECEIVE, Nurture, or Cultivate

Gentle grounding.

Calmness with a clear head.

Ability to be totally present, without anxiety from the inside or toxic energies from the outside.

Engaging in the moment in a way that honors our truth instead of being driven by fear or manipulation.

Sense of safety.

Boundaries it Supports

Living lives that honor our truth, instead of living for others, including for our own fear.

Establishing our head and body as safe places to be.

Groundedness and sense of self in groups, in relationships, and in life.


I am complete, whole, and safe in this moment.

My energy is gently grounded.

I exist perfectly in this moment untouched by other’s expectations, opinions, words, and energy.

My head is clear and I can sense my own control.

I am free to experience this moment in a way that is aligned with my truth.