We all have something we have to do daily to feel like ourselves, to feel normal, and in control.  Without it, we feel crazy, out of control, and out of sync with life.  For some people, it’s oganizing their closet.  For other people, it’s time at the gym.


For me, it’s energy work.  

my story

I used to live a life where
I kept this part of me a secret.
I didn’t talk about what was in my heart.
I didn’t even let myself fully experience the things I was drawn to.

Because I was afraid
of being different,
 being judged, and being rejected by my tribe.

I couldn’t even admit my truth to myself,
because I knew if I did,
I could never go back.


I lived by everyone else’s truth and rules.

I tried to experience my energy and my spirituality in a way that was not aligned with my truth.

I tried to act normal, I tried to fit in, but I never felt right. The little bits of crystals and oracle decks I allowed myself weren’t enough to nourish my soul. I knew I could never be whole without embracing this.

I needed to honor myself, my sensitivity, and the way I was drawn to experience my spirituality.  



have you ever felt like that?


Like you kept part of your truth in your shadow?

Like you were living a life that just wasn’t aligned with you?

Like you were always “on” and no one knew the real you?

Like part of you was missing?


This is YOUR space.  

to work towards wholeness,

to stand in your truth, 

to heal yourself, 

to nourish your soul.

here is my truth

Gypsies, healers, hippies, empaths, and light workers are my tribe.
I’m a crystal junkie.  I study them, wear them in my bra, and use them for gridding and praying.
I can sometimes sense energies from the physical and spiritual realms.
I sometimes have visions where spirits and angels communicate with me.
My favorite way to connect to God is intuitively, through my own rituals, prayers, and meditations.
I use oracle cards to communicate with angels for myself and others.
I believe in the power if energy healing.

I enjoy studying chakras and reiki.
I love essential oils and natural healing modalities.
I am sensitive to the energy and phases of the moon.
Life makes the most sense to me when I look at everything as energy. This is especially true for the holistic energy of mind, body, and soul.

Get in touch with me!

Check out my self-paced chakra clearing course!

Let’s connect on social media!