How to Forgive Yourself

How to Forgive Yourself

Self-forgiveness is some of the hardest work you and I will talk about on this blog. The energy of shame and guilt are the lowest and heaviest vibrations. They make us sick. They make us feel drained and plummet our self-worth.  It is difficult work, but it is usually...

4 Steps to Profound Inner-Child Healing

4 Steps to Profound Inner-Child Healing

Today we are going to discuss how to start healing our inner child. You can study the psychology of the inner child through psychotherapy, but also get to know and heal your inner child through energy work. This aspect of our personality develops while we are young,...

How To Use My 3 Favorite Energy Healing Tools

How To Use My 3 Favorite Energy Healing Tools

Energy healing is the movement of energy around and through the body to support healing and overall health and wellbeing. I love energy healing because it feels so good, both to do it, and to receive it. You don't need physical tools to do energy healing, like in...

How to Use Crystal Cocktails to Expand Your Energy Healing

How to Use Crystal Cocktails to Expand Your Energy Healing

Crystal cocktails are when we use more than one crystal to support the goal of our energy work. Crystal cocktails are the key to expanding our crystal energy healing and taking it to the next level.  Why is that? Because crystal cocktails interact with who we really...

Crystal Spot Light: Smoky Quartz Healing Properties

Crystal Spot Light: Smoky Quartz Healing Properties

Energetic DescriptionWhat does the energy feel like? Smoky quartz gives us profound calmness, and significantly turns down the volume on our fear. It allows us to experience a clear-head, a sense of safety, and groundedness in the present moment.  It completely...

How Crystals Helped Me Move Beyond Managing My Anxiety

How Crystals Helped Me Move Beyond Managing My Anxiety

Before I really dove deep into crystals and energy work, I used to wear a necklace with a smoky quartz pendant. I read that smoky quartz represented calmness and protection, and that was all my anxious ears needed to hear. If I was going into a triggering situation,...

14 Solar Plexus Boundary Affirmations

14 Solar Plexus Boundary Affirmations

Let's talk about the energy in our solar plexus and some of the blocks we might have there.,  Our solar plexus is home to the energy of our strength, leadership, and self-esteem. Boundaries are part of our solar plexus chakra.  Boundary work isn’t limited to our solar...

Root Chakra Affirmations for Anxiety and Panic

Root Chakra Affirmations for Anxiety and Panic

The energy in our root chakra deals with safety.  If we have an anxiety disorder, our triggers cause an exaggerated fear response in us. We may not feel safe in otherwise “safe” situations, like being in a crowded restaurant, speaking in front of a group, no one...

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