Our Crown Chakra is where we interact with what I like to call
“the god energy.”

The word “God” is emotionally charged.

Many of us have suffering related to this word.

Even the phrasing for crown chakra affirmations can turn us off and remind us of the hurt we experienced, making us feel too vulnerable to surrender to this work.

We can try to substitute words for “God” to make this work easier (like “universe” and “source energy”), but I know that we can never choose a word that makes everyone comfortable.

However, that is just more evidence that we need this healing work for the pain and resistance that lives in our crown chakra. 

For this work outlined below, I talk about our crown chakra from a purely energetic perspective.

Whatever term makes sense to us can be part of our unique imagery and vision as we complete this work.

It doesn’t matter what religion or word is “right” or “wrong”. 
The crown chakra energy still enters us and interacts with us.

That fact alone can be very healing once we realize it.

I will be referring to the crown chakra energy as “amethyst energy” throughout this post. This approach is to help us to go past the hurt or blocks and to feel safe enough to do this work

Amethyst Energy Explained

Amethyst energy is the energy that enter our bodies through our crown chakra.  It is the same energy that flows to and through each of us, but it is highly individualized.  Amethyst energy is unique to each person in two ways.  

First is our definition of who or what amethyst energy connects us to.

It can connect us to

  • the forces of the universe,
  • the energy of creation,
  • our creator,
  • God, 
  • our ancestors,
  • spirit guides,
  • the concept and word that is most empowering and truthful to you.

No definition is right or wrong, only right for you in the moment you are experiencing it and honoring it.  

The second way amethyst energy is unique to each of us is the way we access it, interact with it, or experience it. 

Do you prefer to pray when you connect to the amethyst energy?  How do you pray? Is it scripted prayers as part of a tradition or ceremony?  Is it out loud? Is it silent? Is it written in a journal?

Do you prefer to meditate?  Do you meditate while sitting, laying, running, or gardening?

Do you set an intention of gratitude and then walk through nature? Do you create dream boards and use the Law of Attraction? Do you burn sage, light candles and pull tarot cards?

All of these are right if they are right for you.

Blocks in the crown chakra can happen when we are told, and then believe, that our definition of amethyst energy is wrong.

We accept someone else’s definition of amethyst energy. 

Someone tells us as children what amethyst energy is and we accept it, creating a block with our natural definition of that energy.

Sometimes we were told that we were cut off from the amethyst energy because of our “sins.”

We are told we must somehow earn back the privilege of accessing the energy.  This creates hurt with our relationship with amethyst energy. We feel betrayed or rejected or not good enough.

None of that is true.

This energy is always yours, always flowing to you.

It is a gift and it is our birthright.

You do not have to earn or “deserve” it with specific actions. And the best way to connect with it, and heal your relationship with it, is however feels right to you. 

If we stop accessing the energy in a way that honors our truth, it becomes like a passionless marriage.

The best way to see the bigger picture is to understand that everyone has amethyst energy flowing to and through their crown chakra. 

Their definition and experience of it is unique to them, and right for them and their unique journey.

And this is true for us as individuals, too.  We all have amethyst energy in our crown chakra.

We get to honor it by defining and accessing in ways that our natural to us.


Crown Chakra Affirmations

I am always connected to the amethyst energy.

Nothing can stop the flow of amethyst energy to my crown chakra.

My crown chakra is nourished and supported by amethyst energy.

I can define, or not define, amethyst energy in a way that honors my truth.

I access and experience amethyst energy in a way that honors my truth.

My concept and experience of amethyst energy supports the natural and healthy flow of energy in my crown chakra.

I release other people’s expectations of my definition and experience of amethyst energy.

I trust amethyst energy.

I release the limiting beliefs I picked up from others about amethyst energy.

I deserve to be supported by amethyst energy.

I enjoy connecting to amethyst energy in a way that honors my truth.

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