Our heart chakras hold our loving energy, including love for ourselves and love for others and creation.

Our ability to show up lovingly in a relationship has to do with the healthy flow of energy through our heart chakra.

When the heart chakra energy is off, relationships can become unbalanced, and that is what we are going to work to heal today.

Maybe one person is doing a disproportionate amount of either giving or receiving. 

Any time we have an imbalance in our lives, it create imbalance in other areas of our life. 

Our body and energy will always work to create equilibrium, which means if someone in our life is taking too much from us over and over, we will balance that by taking too much from someone else or somewhere else in our lives. 

It is important that we cultivate balanced relationships in our lives, whether with friends, family, or a romantic partner.

The hardest part of this work is when the person in our relationship does not want to do this work, does not see the imbalance, or does not agree to the new balance.

But we cannot control anyone except ourselves. 

We can want something specific for our relationships with our friends, family, and lovers.

But we can’t create it alone.

Balance in our relationships and our lives starts with deciding what we deserve.

How much are we willing to give and receive? How much do we deserve to give and receive?

We have to decide that we deserve to be loved and respected so we don’t end up giving too much and draining ourselves. 

We have to decide to be loving and respectful in our relationships and not feel like our needs or priorities are more important than the needs and priorities of our loved ones.

But the most important thing is deciding who we will give this balance to.

If our boundaries here are too weak, we are probably giving to too many people.

Who deserves our time? Our thoughtfulness?  Our caring?

The people who deserve our time are the people who agree to this balance.

And we don’t necessarily have to have a conversation with them about it. We can identify people who agree to this balance through their actions, behaviors, and attitude towards us.

And don’t forget your relationship with yourself

You have to set an expectation of the balance in your relationship with yourself, of expecting give AND receive, work AND play, productivity AND leisure. 

Establishing a healthy expectation of balance from yourself will flow into the rest of your life and relationships.

Use these heart chakra affirmations to support balance in all relationships in your life.


I deserve and expect people in my life to respect my boundaries.

I choose to be in healthy and balanced relationships in all areas of my life.

I have healthy and balanced expectations of myself.

I have healthy and balanced expectations of the people in my life.

I create balance in my life and in my relationships.

I heal the relationships in my life with a perfect exchange of giving and receiving love.

I respect my needs and priorities as part of my balanced life.

I respect the needs and priorities of the people in my balanced relationships.

I heal my life by knowing I deserve to receive love and respect in my relationships.

Get in touch with me!

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