How to pick crystals for anxiety that will ACTUALLY help you by learning which chakra is being triggered


One of my favorite ways for working with crystals is for anxiety.

Crystals are a good match for my anxiety, showing up to support my mental health daily.

You know I see a traditional therapist and am a huge proponent of integrative mental health.

Crystals are a giant part of that integration. 

I’ve interviewed some friends who also enjoy working with crystals for their anxiety and I found that there is no consensus on what crystal or group of crystals works for anxiety.

Everyone has a unique experience with anxiety, including what triggers them and what their escalated anxiety looks and feels like.

Not to mention, everyone has a unique baseline. While some people are high-energy, some are low. Some are extroverted, some introverted. Some more like the energy of fire, some the energy of earth.

If we try to use one catch-all-crystal for every type of anxiety, we will miss the nuances of your particular experience with anxiety.

And if we try to bring everyone to the exact same crystal or energy as their baseline, chances are, most people will be out of alignment with their true energy.


You are going to learn how to pick crystals based on your unique experience with anxiety so they actually help you.

We are going to learn about our chakras to see where our anxities live.

Chakras are energy centers in our body that are hubs for the energy and emotions of different aspects of our lives.

Chakras are the perfect lens to see our anxiety through to find where we are being triggered. 

The chakras correspond to the colors of the rainbow, so picking crystals to support a particular chakra is as easy as picking a crystal in that color!

Once you learn which chakra is being affected by anxiety, you can pick crystals that correspond with that chakra to support your progress.

After you pick your pick which crystal or crystals you are going to work with, you have several different ways to get started working with them. 

You can hold them and imagine your anxiety melting away. 

You can set it on the corresponding chakra and listen to a chakra meditation on YouTube.

You can keep it in your purse, pocket, or bookbag.

You can write an empowering word or affirmation on a piece of paper, and keep the paper and crystal together, including in a god box.

Let’s get started! I give examples of anxiety in each chakra but remember, I can’t list them all!

If you feel led to a chakra, even if you don’t see your particular anxiety on the list, trust your instinct and support your mental health with crystals in that color if it feels right.

Also, I use different words to describe the energy of anxiety in each of the examples. Feel free to substitute whatever word better describes the energy of your anxiety.

If not “worry”, is it a nagging feeling, crippling fear, obsessive thoughts, or maybe stress? Make this work your own!


Energy Hub for:
Safety, Tribe, and Connection to this earth

If your anxiety is in your root chakra, you might have any of the following:

  • Worried that you are not safe, even in overall “safe” situations. This could be a general sense of dread, or could be more specific like worry about being raped or mugged, dying, or having something stolen from you.
  • Worried that your basic needs for food, shelter, and money will not be met. This can look like food hoarding, operating from a place of lack, feeling like there is never enough money in the bank to stop stressing about bills.
  • Worried for the safety and basic needs for your family and loved ones. This can look like separation anxiety and worry that your loved ones will die or come into harm’s way.
  • Overall not feeling at home anywhere including in your own home, not feeling connected to your community and tribe, not feeling grounded, not even feeling comfortable in our own skin.
  • Worry that upsetting events or patterns from your past related to your safety, tribe, or connection to earth will play out again.

Supportive crystals:
Red and the dark stones, and 
any crystal that makes you feel safe, grounded, and connected to your tribe.


Here are some of my favorite ROOT CHAKRA AFFIRMATIONS for panic and anxiety that you can combine with these crystals to amp up the energy.


Energy Hub for:
Creativity, Sexuality, and Inner Child

If your anxiety is in your sacral chakra, you might have any of the following:

  • Worried to create or be creative. This worry could be fear of being judged, comparing to other people who are “more creative than me”, fear of being judged not just for what we created but that we carved out time to be creative.


  • Worry over capacity for sexual feelings. The worry could be that you are too sexual, or not sexual enough, or that if you showed up in your sexual truth (for instance what you desire or prefer) you would be rejected. Traditional religious programming can make us worry we must tone down our capacity for sexual feelings, even in marriage. Other times we worry and act more sexual than we actually are. Both of these are worry that our natural level of sexuality is wrong.
  • Worry about expressing the energy of our inner child. This can be evident in people with trauma or abuse from their child. Also, it can show up as worry to nurture our inner child with play and self care, possibly related to trauma or judgement, as in “What would people think if they knew we were watching movies all weekend instead of doing our taxes?” or “It is irresponsible to go out with friends after work when we should be sitting here stressing about our 5 year plan.”
  • Worry that upsetting events or patterns from your past related to your creativity, sexuality, or inner child will play out again.

Supportive crystals:
Orange and any other crystal that helps you feel creative, sexual, or playful.

Here are some of my favorite SACRAL CHAKRA AFFIRMATIONS you can combine with these crystals to amp up the energy when you feel like life is lacking passion and creativity.


Energy Hub for:
Courage, Self-Esteem, Personal Power, Inner Strength

If your anxiety is in your solar plexus chakra, you might have any of the following:

  • Prefer to be a follower and worry if you have to have an opinion or pick a side.
  • Could have chronically low self-esteem and still worry others may think you are bragging or  acting like your are better than everyone else. At the opposite end, you may have false bravado because you worry others may think you are nothing special and that you just prove them wrong.


  • Triggered if you worry your personal power and authority over your own life is being threatened or not respected, or conversely triggered over worry if you have to exercise some personal power or authority in decisions, situations, or relationships.


  • Triggered by the power of others, beliefs that someone else’s power or threatens your own


  • Triggered if asked to use, acknowledge, or tap into your inner strength, worry that you will prove to everyone that you are weak, or that your strength will be so great that you will not be able to hide. In the echoing words from Marianne Wiliamson “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

Supportive crystals:
Yellow and any crystal that makes you feel courage, self-esteem, and causes you to own your power and strength.

Here are some of my favorite SOLAR PLEXUS AFFIRMATIONS you can combine with these crystals to support setting healthy boundaries.


Energy Hub for:
Love for self, Love of life, Love for others and creation

If your anxiety is in your heart chakra, you might have any of the following:

  • Fear to get close to anyone, building walls to keep people out emotionally


  • Conversely, acting clingy, needy, helpless, or overly emotional, reactive, controlling, or manipulative as a way to keep people around


  • Triggered when you feel vulnerable to someone because of your feelings towards them. Feeling that if you care for someone, they will leave you, or they will take advantage of you, or they will hurt you.


  • Triggered if asked to trust, or if there is an expectation to trust or develop intimacy.


  • Worry that upsetting events or patterns from your past related to your loving relationships will play out again.

Supportive Crystals:
Greens, pinks, and any crystal that makes you feel loving towards yourself and others, and open to trusting and forgiving yourself and others.

 Here are some of my favorite HEART CHAKRA AFFIRMATIONS you can combine with these crystals to help heal and balance your relationships.


Energy Hub for:
Communication, Expression, and Truth

If your anxiety is in your throat chakra, you might have any of the following:

  • Worrying about having to express your truth, to a group, in an individual person, or even to yourself
  • When you are worrying, you either talk too much, too loudly, or too quickly, or conversely, you clam up, talk too quietly, or your speech slows way down.
  • Anxiety in your throat chakra can even feel like a tight throat or difficult to swallow.
  • Would rather just go along with what everyone else is doing than to have to voice an opinion or own your personal truth
  • The opposite extreme can be hurtful words, like gossip or criticizing, which hide insecurities and fears.
  • Worried that upsetting events or behaviors from your past related to communication, expression, and personal truth, will play out again.

Supportive Crystals:
Light blue and any crystal that helps you have balanced communication, healthy expression, and owning your personal truth.

Here are some THROAT CHAKRA AFFIRMATIONS you can use to support your work for finding your voice and speaking your truth.



Energy Hub for:
Intuition, Inspiration, Inner-Wisdom, and Vision (both conceptual and literal)

If your anxiety is in your third eye chakra, you might have any of the following:

  • Worry about making decisions
  • Worry about the future with no clear vision of it
  • Worry about and second guess the inspiration or intuition you receive
  • Will overthink instead of trusting yourself to make a decision
  • Prefer to let other people’s rules, beliefs, and opinions make decisions for you because otherwise it is triggering to tap into and follow your own inner-wisdom



  • Worry that looks like over-researching or asking for everyone else’s advice instead of trusting yourself to know what is best for you



  • Worry that upsetting behaviors or patterns from your past related to intuition, inspiration, vision, and inner-wisdom will play out again.

Supportive Crystals:
Indigo and purple, and any crystal that helps you get in tune with and honor your intuition, inspiration, inner-wisdom, and vision.

Here are some THIRD EYE CHAKRA AFFIRMATIONS you can use with the crystals for honoring intuition.

***I put together an honest group of crystals to recommend. Just like some crystals overlap with the bottom 3 chakras, so do some of the crystals for the top 3 chakras. Some crystal profiles will actually say that it helps several chakras. Even the colors can be disputed here. Some say the third eye is purple and the crown in white. I usually say the third eye is indigo and the crown is purple. Who even cares. Just go with what feels right to you. The crystals that I recommend for third eye are a blend of indigo and purple. The crystals i put together for the crown chakra are all white and clear. That is why I always suggest using a crystal that represents that energy to you. It is always personal, and that is a beautiful truth.



Energy Hub for:
Spirituality, Connection to the god energy, 

If your anxiety is in your crown chakra, you might have any of the following:

  • Worried that God is judging you, or over thinking every action and behavior, obsessing over “sins” and paying penance.


  • Worry brought on by feelings of hopelessness or despair, such as “no one is looking out for me”


  • Worry triggered by wanting to connect with your spirituality in a non-traditional way, or in a way different than you were taught was acceptable.
  • Anxiety about your definition or experience of amethyst energy
  • Worry that upsetting events or behaviors from your past related to your spirituality or connection to the god energy will play out again.

Supportive Crystals:
Purple, white, and clear crystals, and any crystal that helps you feel connected to your spirituality and the god energy.


Here are some of my favorite CROWN CHAKRA AFFIRMATIONS you can combine with these crystals to help heal your connection to amethyst energy (and to understand what it even is).