Crystal cocktails are when we use more than one crystal to support the goal of our energy work.

Crystal cocktails are the key to expanding our crystal energy healing and taking it to the next level

Why is that?

Because crystal cocktails interact with who we really are; complicated human beings with complicated emotions.

Stand-alone crystals are GREAT for energy healing. But we can really add oomph and extra healing by making these crystal cocktails.


You can use the crystal cocktails in grids, lay them on your body, hold them in your hand. 

 Sometimes I like to set them in front of me while I’m sitting at the table and charge them with my hands.

 As always, there is not one right way to do this. Just start  your energy work and see what crystals support your intention.

Here are some examples to show you what I’m talking about.

Asking for a Raise Cocktail

Imagine getting ready to ask your boss for a raise. For this, it makes sense to set an intention for open and clear communication.

The way to expand the energy and build the cocktail is to ask,
“What would help me have open and clear communication with my boss?”

The answers to that question build the recipe for your unique cocktail.

How about some root crystals to feel SAFE talking to my boss, some solar plexus crystals to feel CONFIDENT talking to my boss, and some crown chakra crystals to know I am CONNECTED TO MY DIVINE PURPOSE while I am in talking to my boss.

I would make a crystal cocktail using

  1. Blue lace agate (throat)
  2. Smoky quartz (root)
  3. Citrine (solar plexus)
  4. Scolecite (crown)

A grid with those crystals would look like this.

Crystal Pouch + Intention

We can always put the cocktail in a crystal pouch, which can be any bag you want.

And you know how much I love adding words to energy work to make the intention crystal clear, so I would definitely be writing an affirmation and including it in my crystal pouch.

Here is a picture of a crystal pouch with the affirmation
“I am safe.
I am confident.
I am connected to my divine purpose.
I have open and clear communication.”

You can leave the crystal cocktail in your purse, car, or even leave them in a dresser drawer for several days / weeks / months / you get it it.

I like to put the support affirmations first (root, solar plexus, and crown), because those are the ones that are holding resistance to the open and clear communication, get it? I clear the resistant chakras so my body is ready for the throat chakra healing. Its like tying the shoe laces before starting to run.

Crystal cocktails are about
intentionally combining energies
to create an even bigger result,
and about becoming mindful
about what we are trying to create.

 Here is another example.

Forgiveness Cocktail

You have been doing some soul searching and decide you are ready to do forgiveness work directed towards your step mom.

You intuitively feel like rose quartz is going to show up with the best energy to support you.

But you are still feeling some resistance.
Ask yourself,

“Where am I resisting this forgiveness?” or “What would help me forgive her?”

If you are replaying painful memories over and over in your head, a third eye crystal could help.

If your inner child is resisting with a long list of “She did this and she did that, and it wasn’t fair!” a sacral chakra crystal could help, or a crystal that reassures and nurtures your inner child.

Maybe you are feeling that “it is not safe to forgive her,” in which case we could add some root chakra support.

Even, perhaps, your heart is still resisting. The hurt from a mother-figure, and wishing you had a different past with her, is real! So I would add EVEN MORE heart chakra crystals.

A crystal with a loving, maternal, or goddess energy could also help, unless that energy in general is triggering to you.

All of those blocks make perfect sense, by the way, and none of those feelings are wrong

Let’s talk about forgiveness for a minute. I like to think of forgiveness work like this;
Forgiveness means we are clearing an emotional debt someone “owes” us. We are saying

“I no longer expect you to repay this. I am in charge of this now. I take responsibility for healing this debt.”

It isn’t about saying that it is ok for someone to hurt you.
It is more saying

“I choose to hold onto healing now, instead of holding onto pain.” 

It is about clearing blocks and hooks so that you can begin healing. 

A crystal cocktail for forgiveness could include

  1. Rose quartz (for the forgiveness)
  2. Labradorite (third eye)
  3. Carnelian (sacral) and sunstone (sacral – for my inner child)
  4. Smoky quartz (root)
  5. Malachite (heavy duty heart healing)
  6. Mangano Calcite (feminine energy)
  7. Black obsidian arrowhead (for cutting the pain, memories, and hooks from each chakra)

As a grid, it could look like this:

These forgiveness affirmations would support the cocktail:

I release these upsetting memories. I am free of the need to replay them over and over in my head.

I nourish, protect, and love my inner child. I remove any connections and energy hooks this child has to my stepmom. 

It is safe to release this anger and hurt.

I choose to use my energy to love myself.

I am open to experiencing healthy relationships.

Inspiration Cocktail

I did a grid for inspiration. Originally I did it just to show you guys HOW I would put something like this together, but seriously, this is now one of my favorite grids!

I put stones with the same intention across from each other and really thought about what crystals would support an inspiration grid.

Here’s what I came up with:

  1. Aventurine and carnelian for good luck and creativity.
  2. Amethyst and sodalite for the actual inspiration.
  3. Yellow calcite and citrine for the courage to act on the inspiration.
  4. Mookaite and copper for bringing that inspiration into reality.


Which style of energy work with crystal cocktails is best?

As you can see, some of my grids are on my flower of life, some are free form. I like to go with whatever feels right in the moment.

That is a way to develop and honor your intuition.

I know that can seem intimidating if you are a beginner! Don’t worry.

One style of working with crystals is NOT better than another!

And like I mentioned earlier, you don’t have to grid! Gridding makes sense to my brain so I go to it often, but I also use crystal pouches and God Boxes, or wear the stones as jewelry.

Make this work your own. You can use crystal cocktails any way you want.

Grief Cocktail

A final free form grid to help illustrate crystal cocktails for energy work is this grief grid.

Apache tear is a classic grief stone. Even as a stand alone crystal, it could bring you support and comfort. But we can also use it in a crystal cocktail to boost the energy work and energetic synergy of the crystals.

The intention of this grid is to hold space for grief. 

The center of the grid is an apache tear seer stone surrounded by smaller apache tears, for classic grief support.

Surrounding that is small copper spheres. These are to create a protective and grounded energy around the space for grieving.

Aquamarine is at the bottom as a gentle heart stone.

We have two angelites, to be supported by angelic energy and guardian angels.

Smoky quartz was added on both sides of the angelites and aquamarine for a subtle grounding energy. 

I added hematite, which to me has always had the feeling of a best friend who can be strong for you and has your back.

And then quartz points to direct the flow of energy.

Usually, after I make an important grid, I put the crystals in a God Box. I love to write an intention and add it to the box. My God Box will sit on a shelf in my home for weeks at a time working the intention of the grid. 

So go grab your crystals, set your intentions, ask yourself what crystals would support your work, and feel the magic unfold.