Energy healing is the movement of energy around and through the body to support healing and overall health and wellbeing.

I love energy healing because it feels so good, both to do it, and to receive it.

You don’t need physical tools to do energy healing, like in reiki and guided imagery. 

But I like adding tools to energy healing for a few reasons.



First, the tools have their own vibration and can contribute to the healing in their own way. Its just extra energy-healing goodness.

And second, the tools that I like engage the senses and naturally work in harmony with the healing vibration of mother earth.

We are energy beings in earth bodies. We can use these healing tools to anchor the results in every cell of our physical body. Any tool that engages our body through our senses, and connects us to the healing energy of our earth, supports the healing work we are doing with our physical bodies. 

My three favorite energy healing tools do just that.

First is crystals.

If you’ve already been hanging out around here, you know that I’m a huge crystal fan. You could even say they were my gateway energy healing tool 😉

Here is the why and how of using crystals in energy healing sessions.


First, crystals want to be used in healings!

Each crystal is programmed with a specific healing energy, and they like getting to do what they are programmed to do. Grounding crystals enjoy grounding you. Creative crystals enjoy helping you feel creative.

Crystals WANT to do energy work, which makes them fun and easy to work with.

When you bring your intention to consciously connect with the crystal to create a healing session, you collaborate and increase the strength of both your and the crystal’s healing energy, and the healing potential of the session.

Second, I enjoy working with crystals because they are literally from the earth.

So not only is each crystal programmed with a specific healing energy, those programs and energies are written in a coding language of this earth.

They grow in the earth. They receive their programming and healing energies while growing inside the energy of the earth. This makes them extremely effective at working with the healing and grounding energies of mother earth to anchor the healing energy in our bodies.

Third, crystals can engage our sense of touch by either simply touching them, or by the weight of them resting on a part of our body we want healed.

For instance, if you are receiving a heart chakra healing, a malachite or rose quartz placed right on your chest will not only participate in the healing, but also keep your awareness where you feel that physical sensation, and anchor that healing into your body,



The ways to use crystals in energy healing are basically endless. For beginners, it is all about just trying different things until you find a style or ritual you like.

You can do a full body chakra grid on yourself and lay in a healing space for hours. But you can also throw a crystal in your purse or pocket and let it work on you while you run errands or drive to work.

Crystals are portable and can be discreet which makes them a convenient healing tool. 

To pick crystals for your healing, you can browse my how to pick crystals post, check out some of my crystal spot light posts, or research all the crystal goodness on pinterest. For instance, if you want to heal your root chakra, you can literally look up “Root Chakra Stones” on pinterest and see if any jump out at you.

Basically, decide what your intention is for the healing,
and look for crystals that support that intention.

To start working with the crystals, you can meditate with them, you can put them in a god box (check out my crystal cocktails post), grid yourself, make a grid, or literally start by putting one in your pocket, purse, bookbag, drawer at work, etc, or wearing it as jewelry (that’s how I got started).

The best thing to remember here is there is not one right or wrong way to work with crystals. Do whatever feels right to you in the moment you are using it.

***You can watch an energy healing session where I use all of these tools, including crystal gridding both on the body and in a flower of life grid, on my hidden page.***

Second is smuding, or using the smoke from burning sage (other plants and resins are also popular for smudging).

Smudging has a powerful energy clearing ability in the energetic field and the physical realm. 


I like sage for (at least) five reasons.

First, sage and smudging helps you get present and ready for energy healing. Watching the smoke curl off the smoldering bundle is mesmerizing, just like staring into a crackling fire.

Observing something that is happening in the present moment,  like the rising smoke, clears the chatter in our head and prepares us mentally and energetically for healing.

It is not just the sight of the smoldering bundle, but also the smell. By engaging another sense, we are rooting our energies in our bodies, we are present, we are preparing for a healing.

And once you’ve begun to use sage regularly in healings, not only do you come to the moment with the intention of healing, but the sight and smell of the smoke engage our senses and start the chain reaction of preparing for healing.

Second, sage forces us to slow down, which helps us to surrender to the process of healing. The smoke rises slowly, and no matter what you do, you cannot make it go faster.

There is just no hurrying the sage smoke!

This helps us to show up to the healing honoring the process instead of trying to rush it or control it. By honoring sage’s process as an energy healing tool, we are putting ourselves in the right frame of mind to show up and create a healing environment. 

Third, sage has been used in spiritual practices for centuries. Ancient healers sensed something special about sage. And I personally love using sage with a spiritual intention.

I imagine the smoke pulling the clogged and unhealthy energy out of my body, out of my aura, and working with my “team” on the other side (spirit guides, guardian angels, ancestors, etc.) to clear my energy and leave me ready for healing.

Also, I think of the smudge as taking my prayers and intentions to heaven. So sage and smudging are part of the spiritual component of my energy healing work. 

Fourth, I use sage as an energy healing tool is because it designates the space or the person for healing. I will smudge myself and then slowly smudge a circle around where I will be working, including when I’m reading cards. This designates the space as high vibe, and I set the intention that I want my team with me inside this circle with any interference lifted away.

If I am going to do energy healing on someone else, I smudge them with all those same intentions; designating the space as high vibe, inviting protective and healing forces into the space, and lifting any resistance off of the person and out of the space. 

Fifth, sage grows from the earth (even sage in green houses), so it is part of this earth experience and anchors our healing in our bodies on this earth.



How we use smudge is unique to each of us, but ultimately, I usually use it to smudge myself or someone else, or smudge a space.

The first step with energy healing is to set an intention. Usually my intention with the sage is to release the stress and worry that are occupying my brain, and to fill up my aura with white angelic healing light and energy. I set similar intentions for working on someone else.

If I am smudging myself, I let the smoke billow around my body and imagine the smoke removing anxiety, stress, and hooks from other people. I continue until I am fully relaxed and present. As I mentioned above, I imagine the smoke working with my “team”. I do these same steps when I am working on someone else. 

When I am smudging my house, I set an intention of clearing any energy that is low vibe, that is triggering, that makes us sick, or blocks the natural flow of healthy energy through the home. I start at the front door, and move through the halls, bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, and anywhere the energy seems stuck or needs releasing. I imagine the smoke dissolving anything negative as it rolls off the sage bundle and that it leaves behind pure white blessed energy.

The third energy healing tool I love to use is Tuning Forks.


You may have already guessed one of the reasons I love tuning forks is because they ENGAGE THE SENSES! We get to engage our sense of hearing with this tool! 

But tuning forks aren’t an arbitrary noise to perk our ears up for healing. Sound made with the intention of healing is powerful, and again, healers have been doing this for centuries.

Tibetan singing bowls, drumming, singing, binaural beats; these all work within the theory that we are made up of energy, and that the vibrational energy of these healing tools interacts with us and heals us.

Tuning forks are part of this genre of healing. I love using them in energy healing sessions (and to clear spaces) for two reasons.

  1. I can direct the energy by pointing the forks in a certain direction, or by moving and sweeping the forks in a certain spot.

  2. I can feel where the energy gets stuck better because I am moving the sound frequency through one body part at a time, and can then sense what needs to be done there. Should we syphon away bloated energy? Should we add extra energy to a weak chakra? The tuning forks help me tune in to my intuition better, particularly while working on someone else. If the sound is seeming to get stuck in a certain spot, we focus on that spot for healing.


I started with one chime and loved it for a very long time! With one chime, I would gently strike it with a mallet and pass the chime through my aura. If the sound seemed to get stuck somewhere, I would strike the chime again and imagine the sound dissolving whatever was blocking the flow of energy.

I would repeat that step until the sound moved freely through that spot, and then continue to sweep the chime over and around my body.

Once I was done clearing, I would do 3 final chimes, imagining a white light spreading from my heart center through my entire body in sync with the ringing of the chime.

Then I started using tuning forks.

The frequencies of each fork have a chakra they naturally resonate with. When I started working with tuning forks, I tried using the forks on the chakras they were meant for. But ultimately my intuition led me to use two forks at a time, striking them gently against each other, and sweeping them over the entire body.

I used the same process of stopping when the sound seemed stuck. But now I can guide the energy of the sound TO the block or AWAY from the block based on which way I point the forks. Sometimes I just do two forks all the way through, sometimes I will repeat the entire session with two more forks, sometimes I will switch forks in the middle of the session. It just goes by what feels right in the moment.