The energy in our root chakra deals with safety

If we have an anxiety disorder, our triggers cause an exaggerated fear response in us.

We may not feel safe in otherwise “safe” situations,
like being in a crowded restaurant,
speaking in front of a group,
no one “liking” our social media posts,
going to the dentist,
having to see certain relatives at a holiday dinner, etc. 

And this anxiety can escalate quickly into panic.

 If we had a traumatic experience in our past and the fear stayed with us, this can trigger anxiety in us. 

Something as harmless as a smell or a sensation can take us back in time, and we start reliving the trauma in our head.

Did we suffer a painful break up? 
A close friend commit suicide unexpectedly?
Get a bloody nose in front of the entire class in the 3rd grade?
Watch our father walk out on our family?

Once we are triggered, our bodies may be in a “safe” place, but our minds are right back in that traumatic moment.


This anxiety can make us avoid our triggers at any cost, like never dating again after being cheated on, or never eating out again after getting food poisoning. 

And of course, trauma can affect us in any chakra. If someone laughed at a poem we wrote, we may not feel safe to express the creative energy in our sacral chakra.  Or if a church member told us God would be disgusted by our actions, we may feel that trauma in our crown chakra.

It is totally fine and normal if an experience affects us in multiple chakrasFinding it and clearing it is all part of the journey.

But if we struggle to feel safe, we can clear that anxiety by doing energy work in our root chakra.

Anxiety can be triggered when we don’t feel safe enough to be ourselves in different situations or with certain people.

If we feel like we have to do a lot of acting or personality editing to keep aspects of our identity hidden from people we are close with, we will constantly be walking around with fear of being discovered

That is a safety issue and can cause anxiety and blocks in the root chakra.

This acting can begin when we try to “fit in”. If we are gay but not out to our family, if we are drawn to paganism but have conservative religious friends, or if we are struggling with mental health but feel pressure to pretend like everything is fine, we will have to act

We will have to keep the charade going to protect ourselves. But this constant risk of being found out will deplete the energy in our root chakra and leave us feeling unsafe and full of anxiety.

A lot of root chakra healing can occur when we accept the truth of who we are in the moment, and give ourselves permission to be ourselves: flaws, quirks, and all.


Don’t forget that this is all normal and common! Its ok that we have blocks to clear! We shouldn’t be hard on ourselves.  We can be relieved when we see where anxiety has been taking up space in our root chakra.

If we see it, it means we can clear it! We can let it go! 

The following affirmations will help.


I surrender to the flow of life.  

I can and will handle everything unpredictable and unplanned in my future.  

I am strong enough.  

I survived my past. 

I release my past and am free.  

I accept myself and the truth of who I am in this moment.  

I reclaim my safety in my surroundings and my relationships.  

It is safe to let go of my past, of toxic relationships, and of destructive patterns. 

I choose peace.  

I deserve safety.  

I deserve peace and centeredness in this moment. 

My energy is grounded in the earth.  

I am open to receive my blessings in each moment.

It is safe to show up as me today.