Sacral Chakra Affirmations when life lacks passion and creativity


Let’s talk about the energy in our sacral chakra, and what happens when it gets blocked.

Our sacral chakra is home to our creative and passionate energy

When it is blocked, we don’t spend time or value being creative or passionate.

Life becomes dull and lackluster.

Adulthood and maturity can be the death of sacral chakra energyWe tell ourselves it’s ok we haven’t had fun in awhile because…

 “at least we are being productive.”

But our sacral chakra needs creative expression to be healthy.

This means making time to be creative in a way you enjoy.  


Comparison can also be the death of passion and creativity. 

We see people’s pinterest-worthy lives and think our creativity doesn’t measure up, and that maybe we really aren’t creative at all. 

We accept a definition of creativity that doesn’t honor our own creative energy.

And maybe we are so tired from all work and no play that we don’t have the energy to be passionate about anything

Passion lives in our sacral chakra,
and is naturally a strong energy

But after a long day of working, we would rather take the edge off with alcohol, video games, or social media than feel strong feelings about anything. 

If we’ve ever had to numb other strong feelings before (like fear, anger, or sexual desire), passion gets numbed right along with it.

And that means awakening our passion means risking having to deal with those other feelings we’ve been ignoring

The best way to heal the breakdowns of sacral chakra energy is to honor your unique expression of creativity, and lean into passion

These affirmations are the perfect place to start releasing the blocks and healing your sacral chakra.

I love being creative.  

I give myself plenty of time to be creative and do the things I enjoy.  

I follow my passion and allow myself to care passionately about people and issues important to me.  

I release other’s expectations of how I should spend my time. 

I feel alive and choose a life I am passionate about.  

I enjoy the process of creating.  

I like how it feels to create something.  

I reclaim my creativity and honor my unique creative interests.  

I reclaim the passion in my life and in my relationships.

I release limiting beliefs and am free to experience and express passion and creativity in a way that honors me

I am full of creative and passionate energy and I love expressing it. 

I release the need to block, ignore, or dismiss my creative or passionate feelings.  

I value creative and passionate expression.